“Bring heroes to life”
“Training course on how to inspire juveniles and adolescents to bring their potential to reality.”
Asukoht: Ungari, Berettyóújfalu
Toimumise aeg: 05.04.2018 – 13.04.2018
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Koolituse eesmärk on tuua esile osalejates eksisteeriv potentsiaal läbi jooga ja meditatsiooni. Osaleja peab olema vähemalt 18 aastane ning vanuse ülempiir puudub. Projekti vältel on keelatud tarbida alkoholi, tubakat ning teisi uimastavaid või häirivaid aineid, mis segavad meditatiivset õhkkonda. Vaata järele ja kandideeri osalejaks!
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
General information
The official language will be English and at least B1 level of English is required. Training Course (TC) “Bring Heroes to Life” will bring together 25 participants. There will be 2 participants per country from Italy, UK, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Denmark, Austria, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey and Greece. Project will be held in Hungary, Berettyóújfalu at 05.04.2018 – 13.04.2018. We hope that those 8 days that all the participants will spend together, are going to be a vivid and useful intercultural experience.
Summary of the project
Based on the EU Youth Report (2015) the current generation of youth is the best educated ever as one-third of Europeans have a tertiary education degree and 82% of them completed upper secondary school. There are promising numbers as well showing that youth has been engaged in social and civic life too, 1 in 4 youth has been a volunteer and 50% of youth are active in the organization, club or association. Despite all these numbers showing the POTENTIAL that youth has yet REALITY shows that 13,7 million of youth (under 30 years) remain out of employment, education or training. This shows a significant contradiction between the POTENTIAL what youth has and the REALITY as there is block, obstacles between realizing the potential and put into practice. Youth work put a lot of focus on developing the competencies and the capacities of young people (POTENTIAL). European Commission invests in youth’ education (formal, non-formal and informal learning), offering dozens of programs to increase their mobility and support their employment. Above all, the new need arises that all these potential must be put into REALITY. Why? As the POTENTIAL is still yet to arise, still yet to be brought to LIFE. There is competent youth (=HERO) and we need to start implementing the potential into life, to put competences into practice. It is time to support youth in order to “BRING HEROES TO LIFE”.
In order to support youth to become the heroes of their lives, youth worker’s’ role is unquestionable. As described by the EC “Youth work develops the life management and social skills of young people which assists their transition to the labour market”. We know that youth work does not only support young people in entering the labour market, but also in achieving personal development and social change! In an attempt to move from the place of competences/potential to the place of practice, 2 steps need to be done:
- To support youth to find and bring the hero realizes the competencies they have and find ways to put
them into practice (bring to life), to apply them in real life for their personal and professional development. - Provide a direction for youth to find a purpose in life that will lead them and through which they can apply the competencies to have a meaning and significance. Embracing a purpose in life is a very important element, since without that the competencies cannot be truly applied. Youth need to dare to dream, to envision themselves and the society in the future and strive to achieve it by practising their competences. In this context, the project “BRING HEROES TO LIFE” has been developed. The aim of the project is to enhance the competences of the youth workers to support better young people to cultivate their competences purposefully for personal, professional and social growth.
The training will be based on the elements of experiential learning, self-directed learning and non-formal
education (NFE).
The project will include these results:
- Increased competences of the youth workers directly involved in the project;
- Video with information and key elements of the project
- Articles outlining the importance of transferring the competencies into practice and the purpose in life.
The project also foresees 1 workshop for youth with fewer opportunities in the local community of the partners and knowledge transfer meetings to the partners and other NGOs. All these, together with the dissemination activities will cause a great impact on partner organizations enhancing their capacities on new topics as well as their potential to work more professionally on the European level. The project will benefit youth from the local communities of all partners who will be able to realize their competences and put them in practice for achieving a personal, professional and social development in a meaningful and purposeful way. Last, the project will lead to key changes in youth work, illuminating ways of applying the competencies of youth in real life.
Content and activities.
Youth work puts lots of focus on developing the competencies and the capacities of young people (POTENTIAL). European Commission invests in youth’ education, offering dozens of programs to increase their mobility and support their employment. Though above all, the new need arises that all this potential must be put into REALITY. Why? As the POTENTIAL is still yet to arise, still yet to be brought to LIFE. There are competent youths (=HERO) and we need to start implementing the potential into life, to put competences into practice. It is time to support youth in order to “BRING HEROES TO LIFE”.
The training will be based on the elements of experiential learning, self-directed learning and non-formal education (NFE).
The project will include these results:
- increased competences of the youth workers directly involved in the project;
- video with information and key elements of the project;- articles outlining the importance of transferring the competencies into practice and the purpose in life.
Aim: The aim of the project is to enhance competences of youth workers to support young people cultivating their competences purposefully for personal, professional and social growth.
- To increase the knowledge of youth workers related to the transferability of non-formal and informal learning acquisitions into competences;
- To increase the understanding level of youth workers why a purpose in life is significant for young people;
- To develop the skills of youth workers in supporting young people applying their competences in a purposeful way;
- To increase the motivation of youth workers in conducting young people to use their competences (professionally and personally);
- To create a professional follow-up plan in order for youth workers to use it with the young people they work with.
Accommodation and food
Accommodation will be in houses. There will be 4 people staying in one house with private bathroom and kitchen. Regarding food, the venue has its own restaurant with a local cook, so mostly local food will be provided. Hungary is famous for the meat dishes, so be aware that there might be not much of variety for vegetarians and vegans. Below you’re able to take a peek at the accomodation.
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 275 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. There will be a participation fee of 80€ per participant. Reimbursement will be done at the end of the project. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@uhiskond.ee
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project, to be attached to the CV.
Registration deadline: 30.03.2018