Noortevahetus: “Europe is our Culture”
Asukoht: Passignano sul Trasimeno, Italy
Ettevalmistav kohtumine grupijuhtideleg: 13.07.2018 – 16.07.2018 (travel dates included)
Noortevahetuse toimumiseaeg: 20.08.2018 – 31.08.2018
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles:
Rahvusvaheline noortevahetus on erinevatest Euroopa riikidest pärit noortegruppide omavaheline koostööprojekt, mis on välja töötatud ja ellu viidud noorte poolt ning kus tegeletakse noorte jaoks oluliste teemadega. Projekt võib kesta 5-21 päeva. Noortevahetus on hea võimalus õppida tundma teisi kultuure ja noori teistest riikidest ning tegeleda just nende teemadega, mis on noorte jaoks olulised. Noortevahetuses saavad osaleda noored vanuses 13–30 eluaastat, oluline pole noore perekonnaseis, haridustase, rahvus ega keeleoskus. Noortevahetuses osalemiseks on tähtsaim noore soov kogeda ja õppida midagi uut.
Noortevahetuses osalevad ka grupijuhid, kellel puudub ülemine vanusepiir (kuid kes peavad olema vähemalt 18 aastat vanad).
“Europe is our culture” Youth Exchange will offer participants the opportunity to discuss European identity-related issues in contemporary society and promote inclusion and creativity in a multicultural environment. 48 participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, Estonia, Italy, Spain and Latvia will reflect and discuss the topic of intercultural dialogue and national cultures through NFL activities, used as a tool to share traditions and learn about each other. Activities will include the creation of a show to perform in Passignano, workshops, debates, non-formal education activities, visits to cultural attractions, intercultural presentations and dinners.
Participating countries will be Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Germany, Netherlands, Estonia, Greece and Latvia.
● Associazione Kora – Italy
● Ticket2Europe – Spain
● Sdruzhenie Walk Together – Bulgaria
● Mostar Friedensprojekt Ev – Germany
● Sols 24/7 Netherlands Foundation – Netherlands
● Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ – Estonia
● Ihnilates Tou Fotos – Greece
● Saldus jauniesu dome “Es un mes” – Latvia
What to prepare before the Youth Exchange?
- 20 minutes interactive presentation of your country (it can be a PowerPoint presentation, a quiz, traditional dances and music, snacks and drinks… keep it creative and interactive!)
- Prepare morning and afternoon energisers for one day (30 minutes morning and 15 minutes afternoon)
- Find and bring old clothes which can be used for theatre activities
- Organise one 90 minute session about their cultural heritage and traditions which does not include any of the above points (song, dance, ritual, play, etc).
- Prepare one 5-minute sketch about the way they believe their country is seen by other countries for Cultural Stereotypes activity
- Prepare activities led by the partner (please refer to the following tab). The activity could be led by the partner or a specific participant. More information would be discussed during the APV.
Estonian group will be responsible for arranging one workshop that will be discussed during the Advanced Preparatory Meeting where the group leader goes.
Participants’ Profile
In order to maximize the outcomes of the YE, we ask partner organisations to select participants making a balanced group considering gender, social (involving people with fewer opportunities) and cultural balance and looking participants who have experience in theatre, music (plays an instrument), dancing, video editing etc. Also, someone who is just really motivated to be part of all the activities but doesn’t necessarily have experience in the topic. For sure they can contribute in another way. Participants have to be over 18. Unfortunately, we are unable to involve younger participants due to eccentrical accommodation conditions.
Travel Dates
Participants are expected to arrive the 20th of August 2018 before 7 pm. They will leave on the 31st of August 2018. The project activities will start on the 20th of August after dinner and they will end on the 30th of August after dinner. Arrival and departure dates are slightly flexible: participants can decide to arrive maximum 2 days before the exchange or leave 2 days after the exchange (you can earliest arrive on August the 18th or leave latest on September the 2nd; accommodation costs are not covered outside of the official dates of the project).
The participants will be hosted on the educational farm Buona Terra (for pictures please check, where they will stay in the big house. The rooms will be shared and will have mixed nationalities. Please keep in mind that the venue is 15 minutes walk from the first shop.
The address of the farm is: Via Campagna 26, 06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno, Italy.
The farm gives great importance to self responsibility and respect of nature.
Guests are asked to be responsible of:
- the spaces they use both indoors and outdoors (by using ashtrays for cigarette buds and the bins for rubbish/trash),
- the farm (visiting the animals without permission is not allowed because it could be dangerous; being quiet after midnight shows respect to the ones who are sleeping;both other guests and families with children living in the farm)
- their environmental impact (saving electricity and water is fundamental. The farm is not connected to the town water system, it uses water from the well: if everybody takes long showers and more than one a day, water will finish and we will be left without for a day, the time needed to go and buy it from town).
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 360 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. There will be a participation fee of 40€ per participant. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch:
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project, to be attached to the CV.
Registration deadline: 19.07.2018