Koolitus: “Forum Theatre vs Youth Violence”
Asukoht: Craiova, Romania
Toimumise 15.09.2018 – 29.9.2018
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Koolituse eesmärk on tuua kokku üliõpilased, noored, vabatahtlikud, õpetajad, õppejõud, koolitajad, õpipoisid, noorsootöötajad, ja haridustöötajad, et arutada ühiselt kuidas foorum-teatri kontseptsiooni rakendamine aitab vähendada noorte agressiivsust. Osaleja peab olema vähemalt 18 aastane ning vanuse ülempiir puudub. Koolitust korraldab Rumeenia organisatsioon „Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT”.
Noorsootöötajate õpiränne on üheks programmi Euroopa Noored kandvaks ja arendavaks jõuks, sest selle kaudu juhitakse noorsootöö kvaliteeti. See toimub peamiselt läbi rahvusvahelise kogemustevahetuse ning noorsootöötajate täiendkoolituse, aga ka rahvusvaheliste võrgustike ja partnerlussuhete arengu toetamise. Noorsootöötajate õpirände kaudu edendatakse väga erinevaid tegevusvorme – alates diskussioonidest Euroopa noorsoopoliitika päevakorralistel teemadel ja lõpetades konkreetsete projektide teostuseks vajalike partnerlussuhete arendamisega.
Noorsootöötajate osalus õpirändes panustab samuti organisatsiooni tegevussuutlikkuse arengusse.
Aastal 2018 pööratakse Erasmus+ programmis erilist tähelepanu noorsootöötajate pädevuste arendamisele ja meetodite jagamisele, mis aitavad edasi anda meie ühiskonna põhiväärtusi ja ära hoida noorte radikaliseerumist.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
General information and description of the project
The training course “Forum Theatre vs Youth Violence” is organized by „Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT” in Craiova, Romania, during the period of 15.09.2018 – 23.09.2018, including 32 participants and three team members from 10 countries (Romania, Turkey, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, France, Czech Republic, Estonia)
* Cilento Youth Union Italy ;
* Dom poznania – zdruzenie pre osobny rozvoj Slovakia ;
* Mladezhki inovatsii – Bulgaria
* Udruga gluhih i nagluhih Nova Gradiska Croatia;
* Czech Youth Association z.s Cehia
* Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ Estonia
Number of participants – 30 3/country
Aims and goals of the project
- Develop competences to identify causes/types of school violence and bullying and to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills for non-violence for 32 youth workers in 10 countries for 7 days;
- Equip 32 youth workers with specific non-formal tools and methods to run no hate/violence activities in schools for 3 months of follow-up;
- Develop skills to use Forum Theater as a complex method for pointing out and combat the harmful effects of school violence and bullying on the education, health and well-being of youth for 32 youth workers
- Improve the competences to fight aggressive/violent behaviour for 750 secondary school pupils using emotional and cognitive skills during the 3 months of follow-up;
- Raise awareness upon the benefits of non-violent schools for 350 parents, teachers, educators, directors, other youth during 3 months of follow-up of Forum Theatre representations;
- Foster cooperation between relevant stakeholders committed to the common responsibility to protect young people from school violence and bullying by providing safe and inclusive learning environments for 10 NGOs, 10 schools and 10 media partners during 10 months of the project;
The project will include these results:
The 2 main results of the project are:
- “Forum Theater vs Youth Violence” Handbook containing 6 FT plays fighting SVB.
- Video-FT play: Recording of the Second FT play from the TC.
• 20 June – 20 July 2018 gather the original mandates and MOUs from partners
• 25 July 2018 open call for selection of the participants
• 25 July – 20 Aug 2018 selection of the participants by sending NGO
• 20th of Aug. 2018 CERT publishes the final list of validated participants.
• 21th August 2018 participants send the scan version of the signed MOUs
• 21 Aug – 15 Sept 2018 PREPARATION of participants
• 15-23 SEPT 2018 Mobility TC in CRAIOVA
• OCT, Nov,Dec 2018 Jan follow-up 3 Forum Theater representations for Youth in schools
• Feb 2019 Dissemination phase
• March– Evaluation
• April 2019 – Reporting in Mobility Tools.
Participants are expected, after the preparation, mobility, follow-up and dissemination activities to:
- Use Forum Theater as a powerful tool for raising awareness, prevent and combat SVB;
- Better understand the causes and effects of SVB and how to find personalized solutions for each pupils (victim or aggressor);
- Practicing Forum theater in new learning contexts with different target groups of youth adapting the scenarios to the needs of public and “actors”; In the implementation of the activities mentioned in the agenda of the course, the youth will be the main resource, the target group and the indirect beneficiaries of the project.
Participants profile
We are looking for youth workers/youth leaders who are over the age of 18 with a good level of English, who will be willing and committed to actively participate in ALL sessions (about 9 hours a day):
- All participants HAVE TO BE OVER 18 YEARS OLD otherwise they cannot participate in the project.
- There should be a gender balance;
- All participants should speak and understand English.
- Participants should already be involved in youth work or have the motivation to get involved.
- Participants should be interested in making follow up international projects.
- It would be helpful if the participants are directly working with youngsters with fewer opportunities, meaning youngsters with geographical obstacles (from remote rural areas, islands, less serviced areas…), economic obstacles and social obstacles.
The Venue: Craiova (Romania)
Craiova, Romania’s 6th largest city and capital of Dolj County, is situated near the east bank of the river Jiu in central Oltenia. It is a longstanding political center, and is located at approximately equal distances from the Southern Carpathians (north) and the River Danube (south). Craiova is the chief commercial city west of Bucharest and the most important city of Oltenia. The city prospered as a regional trading centre despite an earthquake in 1790, a plague in 1795, and a Turkish assault in 1802 during which it was burned.
Eight villages are administered by the city: Făcăi, Mofleni, Popoveni, Șimnicu de Jos, Cernele, Cernelele de Sus, Izvoru Rece and Rovine. The last four were a separate commune called Cernele until 1996, when they were merged into the city.
Participants will be accommodated in 2-bed rooms with bathroom and we will have two big common space that we can use during the whole training period. There are a lot of nice open air areas where the participants can enjoy the beautiful nature of Craiova.
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 360 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. There will be a participation fee of 40€ per participant. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@uhiskond.ee
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project, to be attached to the CV.
Registration deadline: 19.07.2018