Õpiränne Portugalis: GPOY: Good Practices on Youth
Asukoht: Portugal, Agueda
Toimumise aeg: 04.10.2021 – 08.10.2021 + 2 travel days
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Koolituse eesmärk on tuua kokku üliõpilased, noored, vabatahtlikud, õpetajad, õppejõud, koolitajad, õpipoisid, noorsootöötajad, ja haridustöötajad, et mõtestada ühiselt kuidas pakkuda noorsootööga seonduvaid teenuseid noortele kvaliteetsemalt ning parandada organisatsioonide rahvusvahelist huvikaitse võimekust.
Õpiränne on üheks programmi Euroopa Noored kandvaks ja arendavaks jõuks, sest selle kaudu kujundatakse tulevikku silmas pidades noorsootöö kvaliteeti. See toimub peamiselt läbi rahvusvahelise kogemustevahetuse ning noorsootöötajate täiendkoolituse, aga ka rahvusvaheliste võrgustike ja partnerlussuhete arengu toetamise. Noorsootöötajate õpirände kaudu edendatakse väga erinevaid tegevusvorme – alates diskussioonidest Euroopa noorsoopoliitika päevakorralistel teemadel ja lõpetades konkreetsete projektide teostuseks vajalike partnerlussuhete arendamisega.
Noorsootöötajate osalus õpirändes panustab samuti organisatsiooni tegevussuutlikkuse arengusse.
Aastal 2021 pööratakse Erasmus+ programmis erilist tähelepanu noorsootöötajate pädevuste arendamisele ja meetodite jagamisele, mis aitavad edasi anda meie ühiskonna põhiväärtusi ja ära hoida noorte radikaliseerumist.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
General information and description of the project
The Youth Exchange GPOY: Good Practices on Youth is on 04.10.2021 – 08.10.2021 in Agueda, Portugal, including three team members from Estonia. The partner organisations are from: Portugal, Estonia, Greece, Austria, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Italy and Slovakia.
Thus, this project allows to solve the problem of social exclusion of young people, motivated by the lack of references, competences and knowledge on the part of organisations and YW for the effective management and implementation of social and volunteering projects. To this end, the consortium has developed a project, and a specific activity (Seminar) that will bring together experts in the management and implementation of social and/or volunteering projects. This way we will have a specialized, in-depth and informed debate and we will be promoting a strengthen cooperation between organisations, YW, young people and other stakeholders.
a) General
Promote social inclusion of young people, through the increase of references, competences and knowledge about tools and methodologies on the part of the YW and organisations for the effective management and implementation of inclusive youth strategies, namely between social and volunteer projects.
b) Specific
-Gather organisations and YW specialized in the management of social and volunteering projects for the debate, sharing of experiences, know-how and practices and for the reflection and compilation of good practices aimed at solving youth problems;
-Provide fundamental information about social and volunteering projects in the youth field that allow them to boost their activities with efficiency, quality and success;
-Enable YW for the development of competences and learning;
-Enable YW to define current youth strategies, adjusted and contextualized to the social reality of young people;
-Sensitize to the non-formal education methodology in social and voluntary projects;
-Promote social and intercultural dialogue to promote the resolution of youth problems;
-Internationalize participating organisations, reinforcing existing partnerships and consolidating the work developed;
-Increase awareness of the philosophy of projects developed under European programmes, such as Erasmus+ Programme.
From this project we will arise the Good Practices of Project’s Management and Implementation on Youth (social projects and volunteering), where good practices are compiled in terms of the management and implementation of social and volunteer projects. This tangible result will be deeply disseminated, in order to allow its exploitation and, thus, the dialogue and the incorporation of good practices by other organisations that work in the youth field, realizing the potential impact of the project.
The main activity of this project is a Seminar, held between 18 to 22 January, 2021 in Águeda, more specifically at Centro de Juventude de Águeda.
It will have the following participants:
– 36 youth workers (3 per organisation);
– 4 facilitators.
In the project there will also be:
a) Preparatory sessions
They involve all YWs from organisations (and stakeholders) who express an interest in participating in the project, so there is no minimum or maximum number of participants. Aims:
– Project’s planning and preparation;
– Preparation of participants;
– Reflection, sharing, debate, contribution and co-construction for the development and implementation of the project;
– Plan the activity to be promoted in the SM (Seminary).
b) Dissemination and evaluation sessions
They involve all YWs from organisations (and stakeholders) who have expressed an interest in participating in the project, so there is no minimum or maximum number of participants. Aims:
– Dissemination of the project and dissemination of the results obtained;
– Sharing good practices and exploiting them;
– Project evaluation.
a) Youth Workers
– With 25 years or more;
– Expert in the management and promotion of social and/or volunteering projects in the youth field;
– Expert in terms of working with intercultural groups;
– Expert in the Erasmus+ Programme and/or other European programmes;
– Expert in the management and promotion of social and/or volunteering projects in the youth field;
– Competences to work on issues related to the definition of new youth strategies;
– Motivated to contribute in all phases of the project;
– Motivated to share knowledge, ideas and useful tips;
– Motivated to disseminate the results;
– Recognition of the potential of the NFE;
– Interested in continuing to participate and develop projects that focus on Erasmus+ priorities;
– Recognition of the social problem, needs and expectations of young Europeans;
– Recognition of opportunities for social change in the reality of young Europeans.
In the case of YWs with fewer opportunities, they must face cultural, economic, educational, geographical and/or social obstacles. These are the preferred obstacles, but no YW will be excluded if they have another obstacle beyond one of these. Each organisation must guarantee the participation of at least 2 YW with fewer opportunities.
b) Facilitators
– Age equal to or greater than 25 years;
– Facilitation and mediation capabilities;
– Expert in terms of working with intercultural groups;
– Leadership competences and the promotion of structured dialogue between different stakeholders;
– Availability to promote an environment of sharing, reflection and the development of safe, cohesive and cooperative work;
– Expert in the Erasmus+ Programme and/or other European programmes;
– Expert in the management and promotion of social and/or volunteering projects in the youth field;
– Competences to work on issues related to the definition of new youth strategies;
– Expert in the appropriation of ENF and IE;
– Recognition of the social problem, needs and expectations of young Europeans;
– Motivation and predisposition to work on behalf of the project;
– Predisposition to support the implementation of the various activities of the SM.
Related to the development of competences in the YW by participating in this project, through the ENF and IE dynamics implemented.
a) Literacy competence
b) Multilingual competence
c) Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering
d) Digital competence
e) Personal, social and learning to learn competence
f) Citizenship competence
g) Entrepreneurship competence
h) Cultural awareness and expression competence
a) Good Practices of Project’s Management and Implementation on Youth (Social projects and volunteering).
To insure that impacts actually occur, it is essential that the dissemination and exploitation of results is efficacious, so that the project reaches the maximum possible target groups and, more importantly, that it arrives with the proper quality. After this project, the target groups will be able to recognize the best practices in terms of the management and implementation of youth dynamics (social projects and volunteering) and, from these, to develop strategies with and for young people, current and responsive to problems and needs, capable of influencing youth policies and effectively generating a broad social impact.
We highlight some of the potential impacts of this project:
– More knowledge about the opportunities offered by Erasmus + and other European programmes, in the scope of youth, social inclusion, diversity and social participation;
– Greater capacity to support and guide young people to participate in social and volunteer projects;
– Greater proximity, dialogue and cooperation between organisations at local, regional, national and European level, encouraging the sharing of knowledge, methodologies and work tools, so that they can be incorporated into any organisation according to their needs and objectives;
– Awareness about the role of the YW in promoting the personal, social, professional and cultural development and transformation of young people;
– Recognition of the potential of ENF and IE methodologies in the practical and daily intervention of organisations that work with young people, particularly young people with fewer opportunities;
– Increase in the number of projects promoted within the scope of youth, social inclusion, diversity and active participation of young people;
– Promotion of equal opportunities for all young people, regardless of their background, through the recognition of European opportunities;
– Reformulation of youth policies at national level, incorporating good practices at local and regional level;
– Promotion of cross and interconnected work between organisations through the development of new strategies and new social and volunteer projects.
The methodology of the Youth Exchange:
The course is strongly based on experiential learning (learning by doing), with adequate time allocated for debriefing and reflection throughout the whole program as the process will be highly personal and aim for attitudinal changes, therefore, the reflection is very important part of the process (as the educational team is well aware of). Generally, the working methods will be rather non-formal and participative. The methods are chosen in a way to allow for a maximum of substantial learning effects, meet the needs of the group and encourage a high level of participation in a very unique way in the process of the training. It is very important to take the “real-life” cases and the experience of the participants, their organizations and from other youth workers and from the field. The working methods used this training are chosen so that to offer the possibility of equal involvement of each participant, every person being stimulated to dialogue and intercultural learning, to reflection and experiential learning, to activation of personal resources. Our main goal is to build long term relationships between the participants and partners. The training has a draft program, but the activities will be constructed and adapted to group needs taking into account reactions of participants, their feedback, their expressed needs, their experience and the group process. The training includes the evaluation part which will consist of a questionnaire and will also be focused on process and reflection on information and methods used in training reported to personal experience and changes they can bring inside organization.
Partner organizations:
- Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ
- CUBIC – Cultur & Bildung im Context
- Asociación de Desarrollo Social Participativo IMAGINA
Project venue:
The project will be hosted in the Agueda. 3-4 participants are going to be accommodated in one room with its own bathroom. Food will be arranged in the restaurant at the venue, there will be three meals every day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The place has its own training room.
Águeda is a city and a municipality in Portugal. According to the Portuguese 2011 census, the municipality of Águeda had 47,729 inhabitants, in an area of 335.27 km². The city proper had a population of 14,504 while the remainder is distributed in 11 parishes, within the Baixo Vouga Subregion. Águeda has been a municipal seat since 1834 and has had official city status since 1985. It was built on a foundation of successive Celt, Turduli and Lusitanian inhabitants since 370 BC.Ancient occupation of this area dates back to the Bronze Age, marked by diverse megalithic monuments, including the archaeological site at Cabeço do Vouga, an important Roman military fortification along routes from Olissipo (Lisbon) to Bracara Augusta (Braga). In the 9th Century, Águeda was a prosperous borough, with stable commerce and an active port that supported local and regional businesses. It was mentioned in documents from 1050 to 1077, by its primitive name Casal Lousado (Latin: Casal Lousato), or by its anglicized forms: Anegia, Agatha and Ágada; by the 9th Century, this settlement was referred to as Ágata.[4] In a document dated 1050, there is mention of several villages situated within the current borders, many with names originating from Arab languages.
The municipality of Águeda is administratively integrated into the district of Aveiro, in the former region of Beira Litoral; it is located 240 kilometres (149 miles) from Lisbon, 72 kilometres (45 miles) from Porto and 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Aveiro.
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 540 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply Whereas you have problems with the internet form, please fill in the .docx and send it to info@uhiskond.ee. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@uhiskond.ee. Participation fee is 40€.
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project. Youthpass is a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work, developed by SALTO, initially for the Youth in Action programme. Youthpass is for projects funded by Erasmus+ youth programmes and helps the participants of those projects to record their learning and skills development, which could then be used to support job applications or applications for further courses for example. The applicants will be notified 12.07.2021 the latest.
Registration deadline: 15.08.2021