Noortevahetus Portugalis: “Not Anymore – Addictions and Dependencies on Youth”
Asukoht: Portugal, Guimaraes
Toimumise aeg: 24.07.2021 – 31.07.2021
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Koolituse eesmärk on tuua kokku noored huvilised, et arutleda teemal kuidas aidata sõltuvusriskiga noori.
Rahvusvaheline noortevahetus on erinevatest Euroopa riikidest pärit noortegruppide omavaheline koostööprojekt, mis on välja töötatud ja ellu viidud noorte poolt ning kus tegeletakse noorte jaoks oluliste teemadega. Projekt võib kesta 5-21 päeva. Noortevahetus on hea võimalus õppida tundma teisi kultuure ja noori teistest riikidest ning tegeleda just nende teemadega, mis on noorte jaoks olulised. Noortevahetuses saavad osaleda noored vanuses 13–30 eluaastat, oluline pole noore perekonnaseis, haridustase, rahvus ega keeleoskus. Noortevahetuses osalemiseks on tähtsaim noore soov kogeda ja õppida midagi uut. Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles:
General information and description of the project
The Youth Exchange NOT ANYMORE – Addictions and Dependencies on Youth is on 24.07.2021 – 31.07.2021 in Guimaraes, Portugal, including five team members from Estonia. The partner organisations are from: Portugal, Slovakia, Italy, Estonia, Spain and Greece.
Addictive behaviours and addictions (ABD) in young people are a growing reality. In addition to the consumption of substances that insist on not disappearing, a new dimension related to the internet and abusive and unconscious use emerges. With easy access to new experiences and, often, without maturity and without a strong personality to know how to differentiate what is positive or negative, young Europeans tend to embark on deviant paths. Without proper and adjusted intervention, these paths translate into scenarios of profound social exclusion, given the separation of young people from the social and professional sphere and the disconnection of their own personality that stagnates and does not evolve with the ambition and motivation necessary to build of the life project. In a Europe that claims to be inclusive, supportive and foster multiple opportunities, we cannot, at all, not react to these growing concerns (which are intensifying in the current pandemic situation).
We therefore want to implement the Youth Exchange so that young people have an opportunity to develop their competences, interact with other young Europeans (namely who also face ABD), to experience on the spot a methodology capable to contribute to their social transformation (based on non-formal education – NFE), and to become aware about the challenges they face. All of this will make it possible to eradicate the identified social problem.
Existence of young people with ABD, which obscures their ability to act and participate in society and, through this, generates social exclusion.
– Explore in a multicultural context intervention strategy that allow preventing and/or eradicating ABD in young people;
– Encourage multicultural and European interaction and cooperation of young people with ABD, so that they can develop competences and experiment with methodologies (such as non-formal education) in an environment truly conducive to their development.d) OBJECTIVES
General: promoting social inclusion and active participation in society by young people, through the implementation of methodologies that prevent and/or eradicate ABD in young people.Specifics:
– Sensitize young people to the importance of adapting their behaviour, so that they do not deviate from additions and dependencies, which tend to promote situations of social exclusion, failure, defragmentation, etc.;
– Improve the quality of life and life prospects of young people, particularly with ABD, through the training process (development of key competences);
– Foster the incorporation of common European values, through the opportunity to “Connect” young Europeans and place them in the same space (physical and virtual) for sharing, empowerment and learning;
– Enhance the debate on ABD in young people, encouraging the implementation of effective interventions that combine the potential of different methodologies (including NFE).
There will be preparation prepared jointly by the consortium so that it is inclusive and egalitarian. Even so, although the general outlines are the same, the preparatory sessions will be adapted to the specific needs of each participant (with a special focus on participants with fewer opportunities) and each local group.
These sessions will be open to any young person who wants to get involved in the project and who fits the profile, even if (for budget reasons) he/she does not have the opportunity to participate in mobility. This is, from the outset, a way of ensuring participation for all who are committed and motivated to contribute to the success of the project. Taking into account the dynamic team that makes up the consortium and its stakeholders, we believe that there will be a lot of adherence.b) EXECUTION
b.1) APV
Participants in this meeting will be: 1 young man with fewer opportunities and 1 Group Leader, for each organisation.b.2) YE
– Social inclusion and increased involvement and participation in society;
– Development of key competences;
– Awareness and reduction of individual risk factors in view of the development of ABD and increase of individual protective factors in view of the development of possible behaviours;
– Personal development and growth;
– Improvement of interpersonal relationships;
– Self-knowledge and self-confidence;
– Respect for the other and understanding of citizenship;
– Self-control and emotional regulation;
– Awareness of common European values;
– Approaching the community and the different contexts in which they operate.
This activity is thus seen as a first step towards the transformation of their reality, namely through multicultural work and with young Europeans who have detected the same needs and problems.YE participants are as follows:
– 5 young people (4 with fewer opportunities) per organisation;
– 1 GL per organisation;
– 1 GL responsible for supporting the fewer opportunities of CeS.B.;
– Another CeS.B staff.c) FOLLOW-UP
There are also dissemination sessions, by sharing the results, their example and encouraging the exploitation of the results (interaction with external parties for information and arousing interest).
All young people involved in the project participate (according to instructions given for preparation).PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS
a.1) With fewer opportunities
-Has less opportunities, especially in social and educational terms;
-Little or no participation in transnational projects;
-With low knowledge about the Erasmus+ Programme.a.2) No fewer opportunities
-With motivation to develop your key competences;
-With motivation to be an active and co-responsible part of the project;
-With motivation to learn about new realities and practices and to foster relationships with other young Europeans.b) Group leaders
– Youth worker, therefore, with experience in working with young people;
– With knowledge about the themes of the project, especially in ABD, social inclusion and youth;
– Motivated to discover new realities and practices, foster European relations and deepen theoretical and practical knowledge in order to improve youth intervention;
– With experience in participation and/or knowledge about the Erasmus+ Programme;
– With knowledge about NFE.Specifically, the profile of the group leader responsible for supporting the least opportunities:
– Youth worker with experience in supporting and accompanying young people, particularly with fewer opportunities (and, more specifically, of young people with ABD);
– Experience in deconstructing obstacles to participation;
– Experience in facilitating groups, particularly multicultural;
– Experience in communication;
– With capabilities to promote comfort, well-being and a sense of belonging between the group (local and international).
– Booklet: it is a document with all the necessary information, materials and relevant results of the project, which will end up facilitating the level of dissemination and the level of exploitation of results.a.2) INTANGIBLE RESULTS
– Key competences and learning within the European Framework of Reference for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning:
– Multilingual competence;
– Personal, social and learning to learn competence;
– Citizenship competence;
– Entrepreneurship competence;
– Cultural awareness and expression competence;
– Digital competence;
– Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering;
– Literacy competence.b) PROJECT IMPACTS – We highlight the main impacts:
– Empowerment of young people with competences and learning that will encourage motivation and predisposition to participate actively in society;
– Social inclusion of young people, especially those who face situations and/or are at risk of engaging in addictive behaviours and dependencies;
– Sensitization and awareness of the ABD theme and the effects on social exclusion of young people (personal, social, professional, etc.);
– Awareness of the importance of prevention and the individual role in combating problems and needs common to young people;
– Awareness and reduction of individual risk factors in view of the development of ABD and increase of individual protective factors in view of the development of possible behaviours;
– Improving the quality of life of young people, thanks to empowerment for prevention, accountability to their active role in society and awareness and information about the themes;
– Fostering a predisposition to integrate local, regional, national and European activities to combat common problems and needs among young people, either through the Erasmus+ Programme, or through other programmes such as the European Solidarity Corps, etc.;
– Promotion and sharing of common European values, through the opportunity to “connect” young Europeans and place them in the same space (physical and virtual) for sharing, empowerment and learning;
– Fostering the involvement and contribution of young people in identifying efficient and effective solutions for resolving emerging issues by the ABD;
– Increased feeling of personal growth, self-recognition and self-confidence, self-control and emotional management;
– Increased capacity to respond to youth problems and challenges, particularly with regard to ABD;
– Development of common work to prevent and/or eradicate ABD in young people, so that it can be implemented in different contexts of youth;
– More qualified youth workers and, with that, improvement of the interventions developed through a highly competent staff;
– Increase in the international contact network, which increases the opportunities for carrying out new projects in the future;
– Increased capacity for local, national and international dialogue;
– Recognition of the potential of the Erasmus+ Programme (and other European opportunities);
– Increased recognition of the work done by the organisation;
– Increased availability to participate in new European initiatives in the youth field;
– Improving the environment of organisations: more dynamic, more attractive, more modern and highly capable of responding to the challenges of youth.
The methodology of the Youth Exchange:
The course is strongly based on experiential learning (learning by doing), with adequate time allocated for debriefing and reflection throughout the whole program as the process will be highly personal and aim for attitudinal changes, therefore, the reflection is very important part of the process (as the educational team is well aware of). Generally, the working methods will be rather non-formal and participative. The methods are chosen in a way to allow for a maximum of substantial learning effects, meet the needs of the group and encourage a high level of participation in a very unique way in the process of the training. It is very important to take the “real-life” cases and the experience of the participants, their organizations and from other youth workers and from the field. The working methods used this training are chosen so that to offer the possibility of equal involvement of each participant, every person being stimulated to dialogue and intercultural learning, to reflection and experiential learning, to activation of personal resources. Our main goal is to build long term relationships between the participants and partners. The training has a draft program, but the activities will be constructed and adapted to group needs taking into account reactions of participants, their feedback, their expressed needs, their experience and the group process. The training includes the evaluation part which will consist of a questionnaire and will also be focused on process and reflection on information and methods used in training reported to personal experience and changes they can bring inside organization.
Partner organizations:
- Portugal – PROACTING – Associação para a Promoção do Empreendedorismo e Empregabilidade
- Slovakkia – ADEL Slovakia
- Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ – Estonia
- YOU IN EUROPE – Greece
Project venue:
The project will be hosted in the Guimaraes. 3-4 participants are going to be accommodated in one room with its own bathroom. Food will be arranged in the restaurant at the venue, there will be three meals every day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The place has its own training room.
Guimarães is a city and municipality located in northern Portugal, in the district of Braga. Its historic town centre is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001, in recognition for being an “exceptionally well-preserved and authentic example of the evolution of a medieval settlement into a modern town” in Europe.
Guimarães is also a part of the Ave Subregion (one of the most industrialised subregions in the country), as well as the historical Minho Province. The city has a population of 152.309 inhabitants according the most recent data of 2019 in an area of 240.95 square kilometres (93.03 sq mi). The current Mayor is Domingos Bragança, of the Socialist Party. Guimarães, along with Maribor, Slovenia, was the European Capital of Culture in 2012.
The city was settled in the 9th century, at which time it was called Vimaranes. This denomination might have had its origin in the warrior Vímara Peres, who chose this area as the main government seat for the County of Portugal which he conquered for the Kingdom of Galicia. Guimarães has a significant historical importance due to the role it played in the foundation of Portugal. The city is often referred to as the “birthplace of Portugal” or “the cradle city” (Cidade Berço in Portuguese) because it is widely believed that Portugal’s first King, Afonso Henriques, was born there, and also due to the fact that the Battle of São Mamede – which is considered the seminal event for the foundation of the Kingdom of Portugal – was fought in the vicinity of the city
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 540 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply Whereas you have problems with the internet form, please fill in the .docx and send it to If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: Participation fee is 40€.
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project. Youthpass is a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work, developed by SALTO, initially for the Youth in Action programme. Youthpass is for projects funded by Erasmus+ youth programmes and helps the participants of those projects to record their learning and skills development, which could then be used to support job applications or applications for further courses for example. The applicants will be notified 10.04.2019 the latest.
Registration deadline: 20.06.2021