Noortevahetuse toimumise aeg: 01.06.2019 – 09.06.2019
Noortevahetuse eesmärk on tuua kokku noored huvilised vanuses 18-30, et arutleda kuidas paremini mõtestada seksuaalsuse, identiteedi tähtsust tänapäeva ühiskonnas ja indiviidi elus. Projekti esmane eesmärk on tagada noortele osalejatele kompetentsid, mis aitavad neil paremini mõista millised on raskused teistest kultuuriruumidest pärit inimestel ja kuidas neid toetada, et nende toimetulek uues asukohas oleks võimalikult rahulik.
Rahvusvaheline noortevahetus on erinevatest Euroopa riikidest pärit noortegruppide omavaheline koostööprojekt, mis on välja töötatud ja ellu viidud noorte poolt ning kus tegeletakse noorte jaoks oluliste teemadega. Projekt võib kesta 5-21 päeva. Noortevahetus on hea võimalus õppida tundma teisi kultuure ja noori teistest riikidest ning tegeleda just nende teemadega, mis on noorte jaoks olulised. Noortevahetuses saavad osaleda noored vanuses 13–30 eluaastat, oluline pole noore perekonnaseis, haridustase, rahvus ega keeleoskus. Noortevahetuses osalemiseks on tähtsaim noore soov kogeda ja õppida midagi uut.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
Projekti rahastatakse Euroopa Liidu struuktuurfondi Erasmus+ programmi vahenditest.
General information and description of the project
The Youth Exchange “(UN)DOING GENDER” is organized in CARAVACA DE LA CRUZ, MURCIA, SPAIN during the period of 01.06.2019 – 29.06.2019, including five members from each country(four participants + group leader).
The youth exchange takes place between 01 of June til’ 09 July 2019 in Portugal, whereas you may arrive and departure two days priorly or after. Through manual workshops the participants will be able to approach the creation of handmade objects, exploring their market potential. These creations allow us to create a link with the territories where they were conceived, in our case the focus will be on the handling of clay to create typical artefacts and the creation of ancient fragrances with the ingredients of the Sorrento peninsula.
The competencies we intend to acquire participants in this mobility are not directly related to a particular field, being multidisciplinary. The methods used are based on non-formal education and will make the transition from the information received to the transmitted information, with emphasis on the process of learning and awareness of the acquired competencies.
Aims and goals of the project
(un)Doing Gender is a youth exchange that aims to give the opportunity to explore in a safe way and space, a healthy relationship in young people with their sexuality and gender through the development of competencies to understand oneself and others, as well as through raising awareness and develop the ability to navigate the often contradictory narrative on gender-related issues today. During the youth exchange the participants will go through a self- directing learning process accompanied by their peers and the facilitators. Τhe Youthpass will be used as a self-directing learning tool and the participants will have the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning, step by step. Within the 7 working days the participants will enjoy activities for their personal growth, creative workshops, intercultural evening and a free afternoon.
The identified needs are mainly focused on:
- To increase knowledge about gender issues, concepts, history, and narratives;
- To raise self-awareness of young people about how to approach in a healthy way gender-related matters in a process of self-discovery;
- To create a safe space for young people to discuss gender-related issues and foster their participation as protagonists, in guaranteeing a safe, inclusive society based on a shared and healthy belonging of all individuals;
- To explore gender expressions, its diversity and its connection and/or relationships with others (family, friends, community, etc.);
- To develop inclusive communication skills on gender-related issues in young people;
- To initiate a process on interlinking European young people as ambassadors of diversity and respect.
Participants profile
30 youngsters who are between 18-30 years old belonging to partner organizations, involved, interested and motivated to participate in the project. In the selection phase, people presenting the unemployed profile will have the highest priority. In addition, in the respect of equal opportunities, gender balance will be guaranteed. Having an interest in the project’s topic is mandatory – it’s not a holiday!
- All participants have to be over 18 years old as otherwise, they cannot participate in the project. Exceptions will be made for those who are with fewer opportunities.
- All participants should speak and understand English.
- Participants should be curious of discovering other cultures.
- Participants should be interested in making follow up international projects.
The Venue
We would like to give you some information about the venue where we will be living and working together. The place we will be in is called CASA DEL TRIGO (Wheat House). It is a very special place located in the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz, a very old and monumental town in the Region of Murcia.
CASA DEL TRIGO is located 7 Km far from the town. It is in a green rural area called La Encarnación. The house is big and it is our brand new training centre. The house is not just 1 house, it is divided into three houses, and one is for about 10 people as well as for the kitchen staff that is living there. It has all you may need including a living room for spare and social moments and an Internet connection. Then there’s also the main house, with two floors for about 6-7 people each. Beds are bunk type, so, 3 or 2 bunks in each room. Rooms are big and comfortable. The working room will be also in the main house. In each floor, there’s a bathroom with 3 – 2 showers and 1 WC.
For us this house, which we created 3 years ago, is the result of an extraordinary amount of energy and passion in order to create a place for inspiration, learning, discovery and self-awareness. Be
cause we believe in social change and we are convinced that this world will not change if we ourselves, as individuals don’t change, we promote certain habits and behaviour in our/your CASA DEL TRIGO. For instance: 1. We would ask you to keep silence after midnight and to socialize or play games in the second house where a living room is foreseen for your spare moments. 2. We would ask you to wash ecologically your dish, glass, spoon, fork and knife after each meal and leave it ready for the next meal. For that, every day we will have different teams in charge of the main washing after lunch and dinner.
Each participant should have valid health insurance (for example European Health Card) and travel insurance during the whole participation in the project. Also, participants must have during the youth exchange the travel documents: identity card/passport.
Each national group will have the occasion to present their country, culture, customs and traditions to all participants. You can bring food, drinks, songs and other traditional things specific to your country. More information you can read from our website where the process of preparing the intercultural evening is described: http://erasmus.uhiskond.ee/kkk
Participants must prepare a presentation of the sending organization which will be presented during the workshop Networking. So bring with you material about your organization (brochures, flyers, etc.). Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ will assist you with that. For the project, each national group should prepare brief research about the project topic.
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 530 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses such as souvenirs. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@uhiskond.ee.
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project. Youthpass is a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work, developed by SALTO, initially for the Youth in Action programme. Youthpass is for projects funded by Erasmus+ youth programmes and helps the participants of those projects to record their learning and skills development, which could then be used to support job applications or applications for further courses for example.
Registration deadline: Registration open, chosen will be the first applicants