Koolitus Cilento rahvuspargis: “Working for You(th)!”
Asukoht: SALERNO – ITALY, UNESCO kultuuripärandi kaitse alla kuuluv Cilento rahvuspark
Toimumise aeg: 11.05.2019 – 19.05.2019
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Koolituse eesmärk on tuua kokku üliõpilased, noored, vabatahtlikud, õpetajad, õppejõud, koolitajad, õpipoisid, noorsootöötajad, ja haridustöötajad, et arutada ühiselt kuidas kaasata mitte õppivaid ega töötavaid noori tööturule läbi elukestva õppe ja kultuuride vahelise dialoogi arendamise.
Õpiränne on üheks programmi Euroopa Noored kandvaks ja arendavaks jõuks, sest selle kaudu kujundatakse tulevikku silmas pidades noorsootöö kvaliteeti. See toimub peamiselt läbi rahvusvahelise kogemustevahetuse ning noorsootöötajate täiendkoolituse, aga ka rahvusvaheliste võrgustike ja partnerlussuhete arengu toetamise. Noorsootöötajate õpirände kaudu edendatakse väga erinevaid tegevusvorme – alates diskussioonidest Euroopa noorsoopoliitika päevakorralistel teemadel ja lõpetades konkreetsete projektide teostuseks vajalike partnerlussuhete arendamisega.
Noorsootöötajate osalus õpirändes panustab samuti organisatsiooni tegevussuutlikkuse arengusse.
Aastal 2018 pööratakse Erasmus+ programmis erilist tähelepanu noorsootöötajate pädevuste arendamisele ja meetodite jagamisele, mis aitavad edasi anda meie ühiskonna põhiväärtusi ja ära hoida noorte radikaliseerumist.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
General information and description of the project
The training course “Working for You(th)” is organized by „Cilento Youth Union” in MASSICELLE DI MONTANO ANTILIA (SALERNO – ITALY) – NATIONAL PARK OF CILENTO, DIANO AND ALBURNI, during the period of 11.05.2019 – 19.05.2019, including three team members from Estonia. The project will be held in cooperation with 8 youth association: Oyuncak Kutuphanesi Dernegi-Kalpankara EVGM (TURKEY); Youth Empowerment In a European Society (SLOVAKIA); Centrul Educational De Resurse Si Training (ROMANIA); Czech Youth Association Z.S. (CZECH R.); Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ (ESTONIA); Udruga Gluhih I Nagluhih Nova Gradiska (CROATIA); United Societies of Balkan (GREECE); Association Arrabal-AID (SPAIN), within the framework of the European Program “Erasmus+” supported by the European Commission. This Training Course will take place in Massicelle di Montano Antilia (SA) – Italy, from 11st May to 19th MAY 2019. During these 7 days of activities, we will be 29 youth workers involved.
The idea behind this project arose from the urgent matter of youth unemployment. The main question is how we could address and contribute to the labour inclusion of young people (NEETs with fewer opportunities) and to integrate these subgroups into our communities. The training course is looking for answers to this question mainly through empowering youth workers to contribute to improve the conditions of NEET from the point of view of their employment.
Hosting organization Cilento Youth Union
• To enhance the employability of young people from disadvantaged and rural inland areas of Cilento (where the youth unemployment rate has reached peaks of 60%), in order to give them new social opportunities also in the European labor market;
• To promote opportunities for intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue for young people from local area;
• To strengthen a culture of tolerance, respect and acceptance of other cultures, ethnic and religious minorities;
• To develop research for the European dimension of vocational trainings and for the European project planning sector;
• To empower youth, by providing education, following formal and non-formal approach;
• To decrease level of prejudices or stereotypes among different European regions and Italy in particular;
• To promote the values of non-formal education, European Voluntary Service, active citizenship,
Learning objectives and needs of the training course are:
The training aims to following objectives:
- Developing skills on designing and facilitating NFormal activities;
- Empowering 29 youth workers to multiply employment skills for vulnerable groups in their communities;
- Improving the quality of NF programs and activities for VULNERABLE youth;
- Developing the creative and innovative potential of young people through non-formal learning in ways that are relevant to employability for 135 young people (indirect beneficiaries of follow-up activities) during 4 months;
- Develop innovative and creative new competencies and skills and apply them as FACILITATORS and MULTIPLIERS of soft skills for unemployed youth and NEETS in their communities.
- Increased motivation to diversify and make more effective the methods of working with youth
- applying more non-formal learning elements in youth work with vulnerable unemployed youth.
Specific objectives:
- Raise awareness about social problems and the needs of NEETs;
- Increase awareness of “inter-culturality” and diversity in society;
- Promote new actions of social inclusion aimed to NEET people through participatory methodologies, such as non-formal education (NFE);
- Ensure social values such as tolerance and respect for others, through inclusive practices;
- Promote the inclusion and social participation of NEET people;
- Promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation between European organizations;
- Promote access to European opportunities for social inclusion; personal and social development
The methodology of the training course is:
Experienced trainers will prepare the methods based on the expectations and needs of the participants. They will provide participatory and creative methods which will ensure the participation of experienced and less experienced participants. Some methods we will plan to use: individual, pair and mixed group work, drawings, montage/collage, group discussions, brainstorming, role play, methods’ market, idea and project development, etc.
Who can participate in the training course:
✓ Youth workers, youth leaders, and activists who’re directly influencing young people with different cultural backgrounds;
✓ Youth workers, youth leaders who have already run at least one international youth project experience, preferably youth exchange, or were already group leaders in youth exchange;
✓ Having organisational support to further cooperation;
✓ Open to recognise own stereotypes and prejudices and work on these;
✓ Willing to adapt intercultural education into their youth work realities based on the needs of their target groups;
✓ Ready to take part in the whole project;
✓ To be able to communicate English language.
The venue of the training course:
Massicelle village is located in the South of Italy, precisely in the Campania region, in the heart of Cilento National Park. With around 500 inhabitants, it is a very exotic and
unusual place to visit. The area is rural but usually, people are very hospitable and always ready for conversation… in a very strange dialect! But once you are here you can’t miss a great plate of pasta “fusilli” in BioCocò farm, where Settimio will wish you “buon appetito”… definitely a dip into tradition and authenticity. Massicelle is surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests, it is an hamlet of Montano Antilia Municipality, one of the highest municipalities of Cilento (766 meters above sea level) with a really striking and romantic overview! The small village hosts one of the most peculiar museums of Campania: “Traditional and ancient toys”, that will be also the venue of training activities.
Participants will be accommodated in double or triple rooms (distribution by gender and by different nationalities), in the B&B “Primula Palinuri”, receptive structure located in Massicelle at 200m away from the activity room. The accommodations are equipped with toilets, furniture and heating (including hairdryer), without kitchen. Basic linen will be provided: sheets, blankets and towels.
Intermediate cleaning of the accommodation is up to the participants. Separate waste collection is recommended. Three meals per day will be provided: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast and coffee break will be provided at the B&B room. Instead, lunch and dinner will be arranged by the hosting organization in a typical local tavern “Fattoria Bio Cocò”, at 500m away from the activity room, according to Mediterranean cuisine, taking into account any food issues, to be specified in our application form
before the arrival. At least one common area (activity, coffee break or eating room) will be equipped with wi-fi internet access.
Thanks to the great longitudinal extension of the peninsula and the mostly mountainous internal conformation, the climate of Italy is highly diverse. In general, in May the climate in the South is mild especially during the day, anyway don’t forget that it’s just Spring and during the night it will be cold, so choose a jacket and appropriate warm clothes, also to enjoy the nice open terrace of the B&B during the evening!
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 360 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply If you happen to face troubles with our online form, you may download the .docx file from here. For sending us the application forms or you have any questions, don’t dare to get in touch at info@uhiskond.ee.
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project, to be attached to the CV.
Registration deadline: 01.03.2019