Koolituskogemus Rumeenias: “Same Boat”
Asukoht: Medias, Rumeenia
Toimumise aeg: 19.01.2019 – 26.01.2019
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Koolituse eesmärk on tuua kokku üliõpilased, noored, vabatahtlikud, õpetajad, õppejõud, koolitajad, õpipoisid, noorsootöötajad, ja haridustöötajad, et arutada ühiselt sisserändajate ja põgenike assimileerimisest Euroopa kontekstis. Osaleja peab olema vähemalt 18 aastane ning vanuse ülempiir puudub.
Õpiränne on üheks programmi Euroopa Noored kandvaks ja arendavaks jõuks, sest selle kaudu kujundatakse tulevikku silmas pidades noorsootöö kvaliteeti. See toimub peamiselt läbi rahvusvahelise kogemustevahetuse ning noorsootöötajate täiendkoolituse, aga ka rahvusvaheliste võrgustike ja partnerlussuhete arengu toetamise. Noorsootöötajate õpirände kaudu edendatakse väga erinevaid tegevusvorme – alates diskussioonidest Euroopa noorsoopoliitika päevakorralistel teemadel ja lõpetades konkreetsete projektide teostuseks vajalike partnerlussuhete arendamisega.
Noorsootöötajate osalus õpirändes panustab samuti organisatsiooni tegevussuutlikkuse arengusse.
Aastal 2018 pööratakse Erasmus+ programmis erilist tähelepanu noorsootöötajate pädevuste arendamisele ja meetodite jagamisele, mis aitavad edasi anda meie ühiskonna põhiväärtusi ja ära hoida noorte radikaliseerumist.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
General information and description of the project
The training course “Same Boat” is organized by „Uniunea Tineretului Democrat Maghiar Medias-MADISZ” in Medina, Romania, during the period of 19.01.2019 – 26.01.2019, including four team members from Estonia.
The training course is based on raising awareness and fostering knowledge on different migrants and refugees’ cultures and using cultural encounters as a positive tool of youth exchanges according to KA1 of Erasmus + programme. Our organisation already runs projects on tolerance, living together, sharing cultural diversity, local multiculturalism. Our experience is that, if in a project Refugees and local young people participate together, they can enjoy the cultural diversity, and learn a lot about each other’s culture.
Refugees and migrants’ people live everywhere in the European Union. One hand they are seen as a big challenge of the different societies because they go against the written and unwritten rules of the mainstream societies, they follow such type of rules that are not understandable for the majority, who are not want to be integrated into the majority, or if they do, they become outsiders from their cultural communities and the majority don’t accept them either, they are seen as migrants’ people furthermore. Of course, it depends what type of migrants’ culture we meet.
There is not only one and there are not only “migrants” or “Refugees” people how mostly the mainstream society see them. Most of the European people have stereotypes and prejudices towards migrants’ people and these are generalised and mostly negative approaches. Our partnership building seminar is aimed at bringing together youth workers, youth leaders, project managers directly work with young people with migrants and refugees background in order to explore together migrants’ culture, to share the political, cultural, educational and economic approaches of different countries towards migrants and refugees and how migrants and refugees react on these stereotypes and prejudices.
Give an answer to these approaches through sharing methods and techniques how migrants, refugees and European young people can be involved together into youth projects in order to break stereotypes and prejudices and getting to know each others’ culture even better. Then we plan to build a partnership among organisations deal with cooperation among migrants and European young people through supporting each others’ local work and inventing youth exchanges together for two reasons:
- -Migrants and refugee young people from different cultures from different countries can meet each other and share their cultural background. Maybe this way they can understand more their roots and getting a positive point of views for their future.
- European and migrants’ young people can get to know more each other and use migrants’ culture as a positive tool during the youth exchanges.
So the overall aim of this training course is to provide space and opportunity for youth workers, youth leaders from European and migrants’ communities to work together, to share their information and knowledge on migrants’ cultures, to break stereotypes and prejudices concerning migrants’ people and share experiences how to work with European and migrants’ young people together. To get familiar with the diverse migrants’ cultures and use it as a positive tool in youth work. To establish partnerships and invent together youth exchanges in order to involve young people from European and migrants’ communities to act together and gain knowledge about migrants’ cultures.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
- To share and explore together the different elements of migrants and refugees’ cultures in different countries;
- To find the impact on migrants’ culture in the mainstream culture in order to recognise the mutual intercultural learning between European and migrants and refugees’ communities;
- To share methods and techniques on working with European and migrants and refugees young people together in order to break the stereotypes and prejudices;
- To invent together youth exchanges in order to involve young people from European and migrants and refugees’ communities to act together and gain knowledge about migrants’ cultures;
- To build a solid partnership among represented organisations.
The methodology of the training course is:
Experienced trainers will prepare the methods based on the expectations and needs of the participants. They will provide participatory and creative methods which will ensure the participation of experienced and less experienced participants. Some methods we will plan to use: individual, pair and mixed group work, drawings, montage/collage, group discussions, brainstorming, role play, methods’ market, preparing a booklet, visit to good practice project, idea and project development, etc.
Hosting organisation
We are the Hungarian Democratic Youth Association of Medias-MADISZ. Our members are young people, up to 35 years, from our region, who support, accept our programmes and participate in them. We have several types of programmes, for example, cultural activities, free time activities and also sports activities, organized for the young people of Sibiu county. Since we are representing the Hungarian minority of Romania, we have met a lot of barriers, which we have already solved, for the sake of carrying on the Hungarian culture to the next generation. We are active on the youth field since the early 90’s, our foundation took place on the 27th December 1989.
The office of our association is in the Millenial House of Medias. We keep a good relationship with the other Hungarian NGO-s of Romania. Every year we take a big part in organizing the Hungarian national days because we find the cultural awareness of our young people about their own culture very important. Our biggest plan this year is to apply for Erasmus+ as an organizer, so in this way, we can also raise the cultural awareness in other cultures as well. We find it very important to cooperate with associations from different countries since it is one of the best examples for sharing experience and starting cooperation on an international level.
Also, a hot topic nowadays is migration, including refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, emigrants, etc. Our organisation already runs projects on tolerance, living together, sharing cultural diversity, local multiculturalism. Our experience is that, if in a project Refugees and local young people participate together, they can enjoy the cultural diversity, and learn a lot about each other’s culture. One hand they are seen as a big challenge of the different societies because they go against the written and unwritten rules of the mainstream societies, they follow such type of rules that are not understandable for the majority, who are not want to be integrated into the majority, or if they do, they become outsiders from their cultural communities and the majority don’t accept them either, they are seen as migrants’ people furthermore.
Who can participate in the training course:
✓ Youth workers, youth leaders who directly work with young people with different cultural backgrounds e.g. refugees, migrants, foreign kids, young people coming home from othercountries, minorities, Roma young people, etc.
✓ Youth workers, youth leaders who have already run at least one international youth project experience, preferably youth exchange, or were already group leaders in youth exchange;
✓ Having organisational support to further cooperation;
✓ Open to recognise own stereotypes and prejudices and work on these;
✓ Willing to adapt intercultural education into their youth work realities based on the needs of their target groups;
✓ Ready to take part in the whole project;
✓ To be able to communicate English language.
The venue of the training course:
The training course will be hosted in the Vila Flora Hotel, which is situated near the center of Medias. 2-4 participants are going to be accommodated in one room, and will share bathroom. The food will be provided by the restaurant of Vila Flora Hotel. The training will be held in the conference room of the Vila Flora Hotel.
For more information about the Vila Flora Hotel: http://www.vila-flora.ro Mediaș is located in the middle basin of Târnava Mare River, at 39 km from Sighișoara and 41 km from Blaj. The health resort Bazna, officially recognized for the first time in 1302, is 18 km from Mediaș. The health resort offers mineral water springs, rich in salts, mineral mud and a special type of salt, called
“Bazna salt”. The distance between Mediaș and the county’s residence Sibiu is 55 km.
The first signs of human communities in the area are thought to be from the middle Neolithic period. The name of the city comes from the Hungarian word meggy (sour cherry). The Romanian name originates in the German version, which comes from the Hungarian name (Medgyes). Medias is one of the oldest cities in Transylvania, the settlement first having been documented in 1267. Mediaș has one of the best preserved historical centers in Romania and also some well preserved medieval fortifications. One symbol of the town is the Tower of the Buglers, which is about 70 meters tall. Its construction started in the 13th century.
More infos: http://medias750.com/en/
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. Travels costs will be counted based on the distance calculator of European Commission and reimbursed by bank transfer after the course (in Euros €), be ready for that.
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 275 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses. There will be a participation fee of 40€ per participant. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@uhiskond.ee
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project, to be attached to the CV.
Registration deadline: 05.12.2018
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