“Between difference and equality: Social inclusion of minorities”
Asukoht: Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal
Noortegruppide juhtide ettevalmistav kohtumine: 16.04.2019 – 17.04.2019
Noortevahetuse toimumise aeg: 24.07.2019 – 28.07.2019
Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ. Noortevahetuse eesmärk on tuua kokku noored huvilised vanuses 18-25, et arutleda teemal kuidas kaasata efektiivsemalt vähemusi meie ühiskonda. Projekti esmane eesmärk on tagada noortele osalejatele kompetentsid, mis aitavad neil paremini mõista millised on raskused teistest kultuuriruumidest pärit inimestel ja kuidas neid toetada, et nende toimetulek uues asukohas oleks võimalikult rahulik.
Rahvusvaheline noortevahetus on erinevatest Euroopa riikidest pärit noortegruppide omavaheline koostööprojekt, mis on välja töötatud ja ellu viidud noorte poolt ning kus tegeletakse noorte jaoks oluliste teemadega. Projekt võib kesta 5-21 päeva. Noortevahetus on hea võimalus õppida tundma teisi kultuure ja noori teistest riikidest ning tegeleda just nende teemadega, mis on noorte jaoks olulised. Noortevahetuses saavad osaleda noored vanuses 13–30 eluaastat, oluline pole noore perekonnaseis, haridustase, rahvus ega keeleoskus. Noortevahetuses osalemiseks on tähtsaim noore soov kogeda ja õppida midagi uut. Saatvaks organisatsiooniks on Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ.
Projekti töökeel on inglise keel ning sellest lähtuvalt on projektiga seonduv informatsioon ning registreerimine lisatud vastavalt. Korduma kippuvate küsimustega on võimalik tutvuda siin. Kõikide küsimustega võib meie poole pöörduda eesti keeles: info@uhiskond.ee
Projekti rahastatakse Euroopa Liidu struuktuurfondi Erasmus+ programmi vahenditest.
General information and description of the project
The Youth Exchange “Between difference and equality: Social inclusion of minorities” is organized by cultural association “PRAVE – Associação de Promoção de Albergaria-a-Velha” in Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal, during the period of 24.07.2019 – 28.07.2019, including 42 participants and six members from each country(five participants + group leader).
The youth exchange takes place between 24 of July and 28 July 2019 in Portugal, whereas you may arrive and departure two days priorly or after. Through manual workshops the participants will be able to approach the creation of handmade objects, exploring their market potential. These creations allow us to create a link with the territories where they were conceived, in our case the focus will be on the handling of clay to create typical artefacts and the creation of ancient fragrances with the ingredients of the Sorrento peninsula.
The youth exchange will bring together 42 young people aged 18-25 from 7 countries (Portugal, Estonia, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania) for 5 days. The competencies we intend to acquire participants in this mobility are not directly related to a particular field, being multidisciplinary. The methods used are based on non-formal education and will make the transition from the information received to the transmitted information, with emphasis on the process of learning and awareness of the acquired competencies.
Aims and goals of the project
Our intention is to work acculturation and interculturality through traditional activities. This will be the motto for a group of young people to come together to promote their roots and to discuss and experience the value of traditions as a unifying element of peoples and cultures as well as their formative value, since this fosters the sharing, cooperation and acceptance of self and others, values that we want to see instilled in the young people who will build the future of Europe, which we want to be tolerant, equal and respectful of our heritage and culture. The young people who will participate in this exchange will have the opportunity to develop their capacity for questioning and critical reflection on the society in which they live and their origins, contributing positively to becoming enlightened, autonomous citizens aware of their role in society and cultural values that surround them.
At the same time, they will benefit from the sharing of a multicultural adventure that will open horizons so that they stop looking at Europe as an abstract concept, instead, receiving a sense of belonging in relation to a Europe of which they are part. This experience will help to break down barriers to diversity-related stereotypes, a problem accentuated by the recent crisis in migratory flows.
The social problem identified is the social exclusion and discrimination against young people of minority’s ethics, especially Gypsies, as a consequence of discriminatory behaviour. The identified needs are mainly focused on:
- The need to create relational bridges between young people from ethnic minorities and other young people to reduce discriminatory social and cultural rights barriers;
- The need to sensitize young people to the “interculturality” and diversity; The need to promote moments of socialization among young ethnic minorities and other young people in favour of social inclusion.
- Promote social inclusion of youngsters from ethnic minorities, especially from the Gipsy community.
Participants profile
30 youngsters who are between 18-25 years old belonging to partner organizations, involved, interested and motivated to participate in the project. Participants are people who fit the criteria mentioned above, such as are N.E.E.T or otherwise unoccupied. In the selection phase, people presenting the unemployed profile will have the highest priority. In addition, in the respect of equal opportunities, gender balance will be guaranteed. Having an interest in the project’s topic is mandatory – it’s not a holiday!
- All participants have to be over 18 years old as otherwise, they cannot participate in the project. Exceptions will be made for those who are with fewer opportunities.
- All participants should speak and understand English.
- Participants should be curious of discovering other cultures.
- Participants should be interested in making follow up international projects.
The Venue: Portugal, Albergaria-a-Velha
Albergaria-a-Velha is a town and a municipality in the Aveiro District in Portugal. The population in 2011 was 25,252, in an area of 158.83 km². It had 19,687 eligible voters in 2006.
By looking at the history, in 1117, D. Teresa, Countess of Portucale, and mother of Afonso Henriques the first king of Portugal, donated to the nobleman Gonçalo Eriz the lands that constitute Albergaria-a-Velha. As part of the donation the nobleman was obligated to maintain open a hospice for poor travels. The document referred to this shelter for the travelling poor, or albergaria, and thus the area was known as Albergaria.
Later, the Carta do Couto de Osselôa was discovered that definitely identified both the first document to refer to Portugal as a Kingdom and at the same figured in the identification of Albergaria-a-Velha as an administrative unit of the country. The Bishop of Coimbra, D. Egas, in 1258, ordered this document to be transcribed in order to conserve it. Also, because it was the older Albergaria, owing to the existence of Albergaria-a-Nova, the community began to be referred to as Albergaria-a-Velha (meaning Portuguese for older).
The fertile lands of Albergaria-a-Velha have been historically a center of agriculture and cattle-raising, so much so, that it has been erroneously considered an agricultural community. In fact, the secondary sector represents 56.2% of the activity within the municipality, while the primary sector occupies 13.6% of the economic activity. This secondary sector includes basic industrial businesses involved in metallurgy, industrial textiles and lumber industries. These companies are primarily small- to medium-size enterprises with less than 20 employees.
The participants will be staying at the Relvas Farm in Branca, Albergaria-a-Velha http://www.quintadasrelvas.pt/who-we-are/
The organization Relvas Farm, is located in Branca´s parish council (Albergaria-a-Velha Council). The Farm has a rich natural heritage where several flora and fauna species live. Here, our associates work daily to promote and develop non formal activities, focus on the artistic and eco-sustainable areas.
Each participant should have valid health insurance (for example European Health Card) and travel insurance during the whole participation in the project. Also, participants must have during the youth exchange the travel documents: identity card/passport.
Each national group will have the occasion to present their country, culture, customs and traditions to all participants. You can bring food, drinks, songs and other traditional things specific to your country. More information you can read from our website where the process of preparing the intercultural evening is described: http://erasmus.uhiskond.ee/kkk
Participants must prepare a presentation of the sending organization which will be presented during the workshop Networking. So bring with you material about your organization (brochures, flyers, etc.). Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ will assist you with that. For the project, each national group should prepare brief research about the project topic. Avatud Ühiskond will be able to help with that as well – we are going to have a preparatory meeting in Estonia with the whole group and the group leader has the possibility to attend the advanced preparatory meeting.
Relevant information:
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 530 euros. It is recommended to have a disposal for small expenses such as souvenirs. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Please fill in this form to apply and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@uhiskond.ee. There will be a participation fee of 50€ for the group leader and 100€ for the participants. Whereas possible, the participation fee shall be paid by the municipality, school or employer.
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience gained during the project. Youthpass is a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work, developed by SALTO, initially for the Youth in Action programme. Youthpass is for projects funded by Erasmus+ youth programmes and helps the participants of those projects to record their learning and skills development, which could then be used to support job applications or applications for further courses for example. The applicants will be notified 10.04.2019 the latest.
Registration deadline: 05.04.2019